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Old 07-25-2021, 05:18 PM
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Casey2296 Casey2296 is offline
Is Mudville so bad?
Join Date: Sep 2020
Location: West Coast
Posts: 4,840

Expanding on Jeff's point. This is a great time to be a collector regarding auction houses, but you better know what you want your collection to look like and stay focused on your goals, there's lots of squirrels to chase if you're not careful.
Cards that have been in collections for 20-40 years are coming to market for a number of reasons from estate planning to inherited collections to "I can't pass up the money". The opportunity to purchase rare Pre-war gems has never been greater for a new collector, it's fantastic.

That being said, there is definite fatigue from all this stuff coming so fast. I'm just recovering from a Heritage hangover and there's gems at the next Heritage and REA, LOTG is about to post his best auction ever regarding content.
The problem arises when key cards become available so close together, in the past one could budget over time, that's accelerated to how do I fund these once in a lifetime opportunities in a short period of time. Once these key cards are sold they will disappear from the market for another 20-40 years.

Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead...
Phil Lewis
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