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Old 07-25-2021, 08:57 PM
CurtisFlood CurtisFlood is offline
Bob McLean
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Missouri
Posts: 426

Originally Posted by frankbmd View Post
Pekin is a town in Illinois.

A pekin duck is a white duck imported from China and is a recognized breed by that name.

Pekin High School athletic teams formerly identified as the Pekin Ducks. I don't know if there mascot looked like Donald (Duck not Trump).

Apparently the Chinese community became offended because people were eating Peking duck in Chinese restaurants.

As a result of this kerfuffle, the Pekin High School teams abandoned the Duck are now referred to as the Pekin Dragons.

Doesn't that make your hair stand on end. This could have been the start of a World War, but in central Illinois news travels slowly, not too many people really cared.

i still like the Cleveland Eeries, even tho the season is over before Halloween night.

Frank, the Pekin High "Chinks" not ducks. The Ducks were from Havana. The Pekin team were made famous by playing the Cobden Appleknockers for a state championship in the sixties. They changed the Chinks mascot shortly after that contest.