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Old 07-26-2021, 04:57 AM
gawaintheknight gawaintheknight is offline
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Saying that white people have privilege doesn't mean that they don't suffer, or that they can't be oppressed for other characteristics like sexuality, sex, being transgender, etc. It just means that they have privilege relative to people who aren't white.

For example, African-Americans have "the talk" with their kids, no matter how privileged they might be in other ways. Barack Obama had it with his kids. If you are black, the criminal justice system is biased against you, all the way from being profiled to the death penalty. There's lots of evidence to support this. The fact that I am at virtually no risk of being killed in an interaction with the police is a form of privilege.

Or, on a more trivial note, swim caps designed for natural black hair were banned for the Olympics because FINA ruled that no athletes need “caps of such size” and the caps don’t follow “the natural form of the head”. This doesn't happen if you're white, because the decision about what kind of swim caps are appropriately sized or what "the natural form of the head" is are made by white people.

Also it turns out that there's research on racism in baseball card collecting:

I just want to be clear that I'm not trying to accuse anyone of anything, I'm just trying to provide an explanation. This has sort of become a political thread, since the question of the extent of racism in America has always been a political one, but I am trying to be civil and I think it's an important discussion to have.

Ted Clayton

Originally Posted by Mark17 View Post
Really? All 100 million (or however many) white people have privilege and power? Really???? I can introduce you to some poor people in my community (with white skin color) who expose that to be a blatant lie.

Generally speaking, an intelligent black person has privilege and power over a white idiot. A normal black person has power and privilege over a white dwarf. Young, healthy, active people have privilege and power over old, sick people. And so on.

I've seen far, far too many successful people with darker skin and far, far too many failures with lighter skin to buy into your racist nonsense.

Looking at someone, seeing only their race, and from that tidbit of information declaring them privileged and powerful is outright stupid. And that is what this group think mentality is doing - making idiots out of otherwise intelligent people.

You cannot take a hundred million people and ascribe ANY attribute to each and every one of them. It is absurd, and quite obviously racist.
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