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Old 07-26-2021, 07:23 AM
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I don't want this kind of stuff on the forum anymore, satire or not.

Originally Posted by carlsonjok View Post
It is an excerpt from Navy Seal Copypasta, a satirical Internet meme. It is an over-the-top parody of someone acting tough on the internet. To quote the Wikipedia article:
The Navy Seal copypasta is a lengthy, comically written, aggressive attack paragraph against a "kiddo", written in the voice of the stereotypical "tough guy", listing absurd accomplishments such as having "over 300 confirmed kills" and being "trained in gorilla [sic] warfare". This copypasta is often reposted as a humorous overreaction to an insult and is thought to have originated in a post on a 4chan message board from 11 November 2010.
When sdimag offered to "play", I figured he wasn't inviting me to his Friday night poker game and it amused me. Since the meme often comes up in these contexts, I used it it figuring that it was so comically over-exaggerated that it wouldn't confuse it for a real threat. But, being a belt and suspenders kinda guy, I added the link to the site that specifically identifies it as satirical.

If you want me to edit it out or add a disclaimer, I will.
Leon Luckey