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Old 07-26-2021, 11:39 AM
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Tabe Tabe is offline
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Originally Posted by gawaintheknight View Post
For example, African-Americans have "the talk" with their kids, no matter how privileged they might be in other ways. Barack Obama had it with his kids. If you are black, the criminal justice system is biased against you
If you are male, the justice system is even more biased against you. Why is that never mentioned?

Originally Posted by gawaintheknight View Post
The fact that I am at virtually no risk of being killed in an interaction with the police is a form of privilege.
Pretty much everyone who is not armed has virtually no risk of being killed in an interaction with the police. 81 unarmed people in 2020 killed by police, an average of 49 per year by lightning. And recent statistics have shown that, on a per-interaction basis, whites are actually more likely to be killed.

Originally Posted by gawaintheknight View Post
Or, on a more trivial note, swim caps designed for natural black hair were banned for the Olympics because FINA ruled that no athletes need “caps of such size” and the caps don’t follow “the natural form of the head”. This doesn't happen if you're white, because the decision about what kind of swim caps are appropriately sized or what "the natural form of the head" is are made by white people.
FINA absolutely made the wrong decision. One that they will undoubtedly change very, very soon.

None of the comments above should be taken as ignoring any real issues. However, what we have today is an overblown hysteria/reaction driven by media and social media that care not one iota for truth. Consider the false "Hands up, don't shoot" narrative that still pervades the Michael Brown case. The media and social media have so inflamed people that there's no time for investigation or facts - just reactions based on outcomes. No care if something was justified or not. And a lot of that is based on race - the media knows that killings of black people by police are hot news and will run with stories and inflame people without regard to truth or balance. We've all heard of George Floyd and Derek Chauvin. Why has there not been similar mass coverage of Tony Timpa who died in an identical fashion to Floyd - with the added fact that the police literally mocked him as they killed him?