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Old 08-19-2021, 11:29 AM
NiceDocter NiceDocter is offline
Rocky Rockwell
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Jacksonville , Florida
Posts: 1,162
Default Listen carefully

I’m against cancel culture where one misstep or stupid statement is used to condemn someone’s entire life and career. All that said, if you turn up the audio and listen carefully Morris is not saying the Elmer Fudd “vewy vewy” but rather “velly velly” which is meant to mock Asians learning a new language. Folks it might have seemed funny 50 years ago but it really isn’t appropriate for today. I don’t think the guy meant any harm but he was wrong…. And at least gave a sort of apology. I thought Ohtani handled it in a very mature and honorable way. Morris like everyone else in this world should get some slack cut for this and hopefully learn and do better in the future. If he is a repeated offender then ….. as the umpire would say …YER OUT!
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