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Old 08-30-2021, 12:48 PM
polakoff polakoff is offline
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 479
Default Wall displays for cards

The set display thread made me realize this might be a good place to ask this question that has been plaguing me for some time. My office isn't super large, and I use it for my full time job as well as my ebay operation. As such I don't have the room for a real standing display case, but want to be able to display some cards. (I do have some displayed on top and in one drawer of a dresser that I use to store some items I have for sale on ebay.) All of this means that my walls are really the only place I have to display cards.

I've been looking for a while for a hanging case to display cards. The problem I'm finding with all of these is that they are designed to hold standard slabbed cards. While most cards I want to display are slabbed, I have some that are raw, and others are slabbed but tall boy sized (think 1955 Topps Double Header). I've never successfully found a case that would allow me to also display tall boy sized slabs next to my standard slabs (presumably with either tall shelves or removable/movable shelf options) -- if you know of one please let me know!

Short of that I've looked at floating shelf type options but am always concerned that a door slam or something would shake the shelf and cause the card to fall.

I also just discovered these wall mounts by CollectorMount that are sized for card slabs, and they also have DVD and record album ones too, which I assume would fit larger slabs. But, the idea of mounting a bunch of individual displays instead of one large display seems annoying.

Open to any and all suggestions that you've had success with, short of the inevitable "build a case yourself" suggestion -- I'm not handy.
Author of Inside the Pack blog
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