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Old 08-31-2021, 06:59 AM
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MattyC MattyC is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
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That Heritage estimate isn’t really a sign of anything other than their not taking too much time/thought to formulate it. As much as a collector I want prices low, it’s worth noting that the signed 51 Mantle blew away the estimate at 200k+. As a collector of signed Mantle cards, and having talked with others doing his signed run, it seems guys were not head over heels for the vertical positioning of the signature on the 138k 52T. I know I only bid it to 105k, because I prefer a horizontal signature if I am paying top dollar. If that same signature was horizontal I would have gone higher. And even higher if the card itself was nicer. So I think Heritage didn’t take the signature orientation/placement and its effect on eye appeal into account when they formulated that estimate.

That said, I thought for a “1” with a vertical signature, it sold in line with past prices; the better looking prior card to sell, with a higher grade signature, went for a little north of 200. And before that a 4 with a great 9 signature sold for 227. So 138k pre tax for a 1/8 didn’t seem like any kind of drop to me, especially with the 51 shattering the estimate. Sadly for someone who is rooting for lower prices, I think the performance of the 51 and the setting a 130-140k bar for even a 1/8 of the 52t, means there is no dip in which to get a good buy on the horizon.

But Ted if you are bearish PLEASE sell me yours bro! It’ll be LOVED

Last edited by MattyC; 08-31-2021 at 07:10 AM.
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