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Old 09-17-2021, 04:07 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
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Originally Posted by tschock View Post
Then you would have totally assumed incorrectly. I was not implying that, though you may have inferred it.

My point was made in reference to a SELLER selling the company. Ebay cannot acquire all these companies if the seller doesn't want to sell. It's not totally on ebay that they were able to buy up all these other companies (assuming no other nefarious leveraging going on). The ebay post seemed to be a 'piling on' post from a previous number of posts about 'big companies' and how they act. You are correct though in the difference being that an 'attempt to purchase' is not illegal where an attempt to bribe is.

Just trying, like others have stated, to be a bit 'objective'.

As Peter already said, it takes two to tango, and I 100% agree. That's why I was a bit perplexed when you made the bribery comparison. That wording, with the negative and illegal bribery connotations, goes opposite to the point I thought you were trying to make. It puts Ebay right back in everyone's crosshairs as the bad guys, now for bribing people on top of everything else they already were disliked for. I'm actually with you, just concerned you made your point a little awkwardly. All good.
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