Thread: Babe Ruth $$$
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Old 09-21-2021, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by jingram058 View Post
I don't know how many baseballs Babe Ruth actually signed. I have read over and over that he was the most prolific signer of them all. There is an article in "Baseball Digest" (I think, do not hold me to it), I forget which issue, somewhere in the mid-80s, that stated he signed upwards of 100 baseballs on any given day, sometimes more than that, and enjoyed doing it. And photos, scorecards, postcards, letters, etc., on top of that. If that figure is actually correct, and he started signing balls at that number per day in 1920, then there is your 1,000,000 signed baseballs.
On his hot dog eating binge days it was likely that he signed fewer than 100 balls, as overindulgence in the hot dog department is, unfortunately, a time consuming affair.

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