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Old 09-21-2021, 05:04 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
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Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
I was not talking about Twitter. I am talking about the number of followers that these sellers have on eBay (see screenshot below) and how that has a positive effect on the hammer prices of their auctions. Whether or not members of this board are interested in Twitter or Instagram has absolutely nothing at all to do with the fact that the more eBay followers a seller has, the more views their listings will receive. Perhaps you were unaware that you can "follow" a seller on eBay? I don't know, but I assure you, this is a thing, and it's far more important than you apparently realize. This isn't rocket science. The more views a listing gets, the more money it will sell for. It's pretty simple. If you disagree with that fact, then I don't know what else to tell you. And if this point hasn't been made before in prior discussions about why PWCC listings sell for more than their competition, then those discussions were lacking one of the most important factors in that conversation, if not THE most important factor.

This is still completely irrelevant to the question of "why do PWCC listings sell for more than their competition?" This is the question I am addressing. I don't understand why anyone would think the fact that we are debating this question on a pre-war card forum has anything at all to do with what I'm saying. And even if I were talking about Twitter followers, as opposed to eBay followers, it still wouldn't negate the fact that having more eyes on your listings equates to higher prices. Whether those eyes come from members of this forum or from Twitter followers or Instagram followers or anywhere else.

I can't believe we're arguing about this. More eyes on your listings equate to higher auction prices. Please tell me you agree with this simple fact.
I'm not arguing that point all. You came on here and are directing your commentary to mostly pre-war collectors on a pre-war card forum, and that audience is typically older collectors who don't really care all the much about social media and this other garbage you keep spewing out as a contrarian and opposite of everything else that anybody seems to say or think. It's like you take no position or truly give any positive information about anything, just start posting everywhere in your contrarian manner. And it seems like all you ever post are things to go against what someone was saying, yet when they call you out or try to provide evidence to the contrary, you almost always come back saying you didn't say this or that, or that you actually don't believe what most normal people feel you are touting in all your posts. I grant you this, you are very good at the way you word what you say so that after the fact you can deny things that people initially are taking from your posts. Apparently others are aware of you and your antics as well. Thought I saw somewhere about you having a meltdown and getting kicked off BODA, or something like that. And if I'm mistaking you for someone else, I apologize in advance. But if I'm not mistaken, I guess the question is, do you do what you do intentionally to irk as many people as you possibly can, or do you truly not have a clue?

And by the way, what are you exactly, a data scientist and/or some kind of programmer, right? So exactly how does that make you an expert on the effects of social media and attracting customers and the business and other aspects of having followers equate to higher sales? Have you ever actually run a business or done marketing or the like? Your statements that PWCC always seems to get higher prices is because they have more followers can't be proven, any more or less than you can actually prove (or disprove) the reason they get higher prices is due to shill bidding. For all anyone knows, it could be (and very possibly is) a mix or combination of factors and not just the one main factor you are pushing, but you certainly don't know yourself more than anyone else. The more you go on and on, the more you start sounding like that other recent poster, Directly, who's main argument over and over again was that he was right and everyone else was always wrong. You're just able to use prettier words than he is.

And by the way, your own argument about more eyes equating to higher prices has a big glitch in it. Per your own post, you showed that Probstein actually had significantly more positive feedback and followers than PWCC, yet all everyone seems to talk about (on here at least) is how PWCC always seems to get the highest prices. So please explain this for everyone how Probstein isn't getting higher prices than PWCC then.

There are a lot of factors influencing all that is happening and still evolving around us in regards to things like this, and will we ever finally get all the answers, who knows? As I've often said, only time will tell!
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