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Old 10-01-2021, 03:09 PM
jacksoncoupage jacksoncoupage is offline
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Originally Posted by Hatorade View Post
Thank you for making this public again. I can say with 100% certainty that your site helped lead me into collecting these cards and established the foundation for what I know about the variations.

The actual way Fleer manufactured the cards is basically a combination of what you have mentioned and the way Steve has his chart setup. I was messaging with Steve some today and mentioned this to him as well. Trying to figure out what Fleer did to make these variations has been one of my main goals after starting to collect the cards and is also one of my favorite aspects about these cards and is what makes them so fun and unique to collect. I don't want to ruin this aspect for others, but its probably best after all these years to have the mystery solved.

Before I get further into the details of the true manner in which Fleer created the errors, I wanted to take a step back and describe some of the basics of the cards and what my experience was like building a collection of them. It might take me a couple days to get a post together and it might be kind of lengthy, but it should be informative.
I will say this: if I hadn't lost the password to the block, it would've been public again a while back. It is still my goal to make the blog entry the most accessible summary of the card. I will leave it up to those who discover it or start collecting it to find forum discussions like this if they'd like to dive further into them beyond my "easy-to-understand" thirteen types.

The images included, from 2009 or so are no longer in my possession. I have long sold all of them and rebuilt the collection (twice now...) but what I would give for a few of them back! I'd love to include more close up pics of some of the more unusual or rare types if anyone wishes to submit them.
JunkWaxGems - Showcasing the rare, little-known and sometimes mysterious cards of the 1980s and 1990s.

Oddball, promos and variations:,sr
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