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Old 10-30-2021, 07:40 PM
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Joe M.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 2,252

Originally Posted by KMayUSA6060 View Post
Looking for any period-correct examples of the below Hall of Famers. Low Grade/Beater condition ONLY. Does not have to be mainstream sets, either (Postcards obviously for the non-19th Century guys in this thread; i.e. Scrapps Tobacco for 19th Century example). Feel free to email me -

19th Century
Cap Anson
Charles Comiskey
Buck Ewing
Charles Radbourn
Al Spalding (1874 Harper's Weekly Boston)
Dan Brouthers
Ed Delahanty
Hugh Duffy
King Kelly
Jim O'Rourke
Kid Nichols
Harry Wright
Billy Hamilton
John Clarkson
Tim Keefe
Pud Galvin
Mickey Welch
Sam Thompson
Roger Connor
Amos Russie
Bid McPhee
Hank O'Day
Deacon White

Ty Cobb
Walter Johnson
Christy Mathewson
Tris Speaker
Charles Comiskey
Willie Keeler
Fred Clarke
Jimmy Collins
Jesse Burkett
Jack Chesbro
Clark Griffith
Joe McGinnity
Eddie Plank
Joe Tinker
Rube Waddell
Ed Walsh
Kid Nichols
Chief Bender
Sam Crawford
Zack Wheat
Miller Huggins
Addie Joss
Vic Willis
George Davis
Barney Dreyfuss

Ty Cobb
Tris Speaker (1921 Exhibits)
Zack Wheat
Lou Gehrig
George Sisler
Herb Pennock
Paul Waner
Dizzy Dean
Al Simmons
Rabbit Maranville
Bill Terry
Ted Lyons
Joe Cronin
Sam Rice
Red Faber
Lloyd Waner
Kiki Cuyler
Jesse Haines
Chick Hafey
Josh Gibson
Lefty Gomez
Billy Herman
Martin Dihigo
Chuck Klein
Rick Ferrell
Ernie Lombardi
Ray Dandridge
Tony Lazzeri
Ray Brown

Bill McGowan
Leon Day
Turkey Stearnes
Hilton Smith
Willard Brown
You have quite the project. Good luck.
"Ty Cobb, Spikes Flying"

Collecting Detroit 19th Century N172, N173, N175.
N172 Detroit. Getzein, McGlone, Rooks, Wheelock, Gillligan, Kid Baldwin Error, Lady Baldwin, Conway, Deacon White

Positive transactions with Joe G, Jay Miller, CTANK80, BIGFISH, MGHPRO, k. DIXON, LEON, INSIDETHEWRAPPER, GOCUBSGO32, Steve Suckow, RAINIER2004, Ben Yourg, GNAZ01, yanksrnice09, cmiz5290, Kris Sweckard (Kris19),Angyal, Chuck Tapia,Belfast1933,bcbgcbrcb,fusorcruiser, tsp06, cobbcobb13
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