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Old 11-09-2021, 07:23 AM
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Originally Posted by BobC View Post
Funny, but everything I was seeing in your clips sounded more like it had to do with Judy Van Zant taking control of everything, and her and the management company taking and not sharing any money with band members like Artimus. Kind of hard to believe Pyle and Rossington are about the only two pre-crash band members still around. The one clip you attached talked about two members of the band's road crew even following Pyle as he left the crash site to go looking for help. And how when Pyle finally came upon a nearby farmer, the guy actually shot him. So that doesn't sound like the rest of the band was necessarily pissed at him for going to get help. More like because of his vocal comments against Judy for controlling things and taking his and other band member's money, and then for all the lawsuits and legal actions she brought against him when he went to do his own movie and book. Lot of different moving parts to this puzzle it sounds like.
Well, read into what you will, but I know in the vid I seen, Gary and another bandmate totally disagree with Artimus's story.
In this vid, not the one I am referring to, Gary also talks of it at the 11:00 minute mark onward but yet near the end of this video, the farmer says he ran into Artimus so it makes Gary's story seem fabricated/untrue and was said, as Artimus stated, just to hurt him.
You'll also hear in the vid where the farmer denies shooting at Artimus but I know Artimus has stuck with that story over the years so who do you believe?

Lots of ugly going on, or was, with this band, but that seems to be the norm with a lot of big bands that have been together for a lot of years.

Lies, he said, she said, innuendo's, conjecture, and all sorts of different takes on the stories so it's highly unlikely you me or anyone else will ever be able to figure things out.

It's sad it came to this, but like I said above, not entirely out of the norm for these big bands.
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