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Old 11-27-2021, 08:46 AM
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Todd Schultz
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Phoenix
Posts: 3,766

I'm sorry. I really didn't know it was that bad this season. I went on record saying that Stafford is not that good and Goff not that bad for their trade to make a noticeable difference. I might yet be right. The Lions might just be that bad top to bottom where no particular QB, no matter how great, would matter.

I'm starting to see your point. Take the NFC pro bowl team, make them wear Lions uniforms and helmets, and they probably do not play .500 ball. I take no glee in that, as I cheer for the NFC North teams when they aren't playing my beloved (and cursed) Vikings. I also still believe the Lions have one of the 2-3 coolest uniforms, maybe best. Still, something seems to happen to guys when they put on that uniform and take the field.

The Thanksgiving coaching buffoonery and lack of discipline (two third and 32s in one game) was really embarrassing. I truly believe those guys want to win and are trying--they just do not know how and there is no leadership. Also, whether you believe in such things or not, there is bad karma surrounding that team.

I hope you turn it around--I've pulled for the Lions since back when the first Sanders HOFer (a Golden Gopher) was playing there, and even remember the Alex Karras, Roger Brown and Milt Plum years. Seems like a long time ago. Oh wait.. it was.
If we are to have another contest in the near future of our national existence, I predict that the dividing line will not be Mason and Dixon's but between patriotism and intelligence on the one side, and superstition, ambition and ignorance on the other. - Ulysses S. Grant, military commander, 18th US President.
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