Thread: FedEx?!
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Old 12-02-2021, 09:55 AM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
Posts: 8,152

They were pretty good when I worked for a company that had an account.
Even better for one customer I had that was a huge company.

Other than that? A very mixed bunch of experiences.

My favorite?

When I was getting a lot of stuff on ebay I'd get the occasional fedex delivery.
My side porch is shaded, and a couple of the drivers would deliver to me just before lunch and eat their lunch there. I was fine with that. I got my stuff a bit earlier, they got a quiet shady spot to eat during summer. They cleaned up after themselves, the trash was only like 3 feet from the steps they sat on.

Until one day I come home to sub and chip wrappers and a bag, plus a soda bottle, all left on the porch. Also their clipboard with the entire mornings signatures....

So I called, told the call center about it and got the usual "our people don't do that, it must be someone else" No, I'm sure it was you guys, and I'm not saying don't eat there anymore, just pick up your trash.
"Well, it wasn't us"
Umm ok, let me talk to a local supervisor.
Go through the same thing.
"Ok then, thanks for the neat aluminum clipboard! And the cool sheet full of signatures with the FedEx logo!"
"Oh S*** we'll be right over."

I clipped the trash to the clipboard ad restated that the drivers who picked up after themselves were still welcome. But Next time I was left a clipboard I was keeping it.

As far as I know they didn't come by anymore. I felt bad for the good guys that picked their stuff up and hope the one who didn't got in some trouble.
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