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Old 12-03-2021, 09:21 AM
Louisville_Hugger Louisville_Hugger is offline
John P0we11
Join Date: Nov 2021
Location: Iowa
Posts: 245

No. Anybody who can’t see this thing for what it is is blind. These are not vaccines, they are gene therapy injections with a spike protein that is going to end up causing immeasurable long term health issues and death. Your body’s T-Cells are reduced 30% each jab - three jabs or boosters and you have no immune system left.....none. The “vaccines” were made for the alpha strain and are already ineffective, the booster shots increase your count of Alpha strain spike protein production. That's training your body to produce outdated antibodies which will cause a non-neutralising but binding response to wild type spike protein, and will increase the quantity of antibodies with each booster shot but not the quality of antibodies. The absolute BEST thing that we can do is look after our own bodies, meaning prioritizing our health and our natural immune systems. Avoid garbage, processed foods and drugs. If possible, grow your own vegetables and hunt for your meat. Stay fit and active. Supplement with vitamin D, C, zinc, and quercetin.

I have been around this thing since day one. I’m not in the medical field, but am a subcontractor with a 95% workload at a large hospital. Everybody in my household has tested positive at one point or another in the past year except me. My 76 year old mother has it right now. I sat with her for two hours last night at her place because she was lonely due to her quarantine and not being able to go out. The fear that the MSM has pushed on us is far worse than the virus itself. There’s nothing special about this thing. Ask yourself why the media hasn’t even mentioned natural antibodies or offered us ways to boost our immune systems and get fit, strong and healthy so that we don’t get sick in the first place? It’s all fear, vaccines, fear, and more jabs. This whole thing is a massive transfer of wealth.....follow the money and see who’s pockets are getting deeper right now. All that said , I am not anti vaccine. If you want to take the jab, that’s your personal choice but those of us who do not wish to take it should have that choice (without reprocussions) as well.
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