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Old 12-05-2021, 07:38 AM
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AustinMike AustinMike is offline
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Originally Posted by Huysmans View Post
What's even funnier are people that are told, and can see that numbers are going up DESPITE the vaccine supposedly working, and they STILL live in their delusional "everything I'm being told by the media and government must be 100% correct, and I blindly follow and question nothing despite obvious and glaring contradictions" world.

But yeah, it's the "anti-vaxxers" that are trying to convince themselves lol
What's even more pathetic are people who ignorantly post numbers to "prove" their point when the totality of those numbers prove the opposite of their point.
Originally Posted by irv View Post
They're awesome vaccines! I honestly don't understand the vaccine hesitancy??

499 fully vaccinated cases today and 469 in the unvaccinated. Sure makes one want to rush out and get these jabs!!

And, like anyone with a brain could see, the number of vaccinated cases in the ICU is also closing the gap on the unvaccinated.

It's amazing that some still advocate and endorse these vaccines despite these numbers.

""The number of new COVID-19 cases in Ontario continue to grow, reaching the highest total since May 30""

""The number of active cases went up to 7,540""
According to the article in the above link, 11,824,449 people in Ontario are above 5 years of age. Based on their percentages (80.55% fully vaccinated, 84.39% fully or partially vaccinated, and 15.61% unvaccinated), 9,524,594 people are fully vaccinated, 9,978,653 are partially vaccinated and 2,299,855 are not vaccinated. According to the numbers provided, 499 of the vaccinated recently got covid, 25 of the partially vaccinated got covid, and 469 of the unvaccinated got covid. In other words, 0.0052% of the fully vaccinated got covid, 0.0055% of the partially vaccinated got covid, and 0.025% of the unvaccinated people got covid. What that means is that if you are unvaccinated, you are 4.85 times more likely to get covid than if you are fully vaccinated and 4.84 times more likely to get covid than if you are fully or partially vaccinated.

And, based on the article, the unvaccinated are 14 times more likely to end up in the ICU versus the fully vaccinated. Those who are partially vaccinated are 3.5 times more likely to end up in the ICU versus the fully vaccinated.

So yeah, keep drinking the Kool-Aid or stay ignorant, whichever the case may be that allows you to think that the article YOU cited shows the vaccines don’t work. “Like anyone with a brain can see,” the article shows that the vaccines ARE working.
M.!.c.h.@.3.L. . H.v.n.T
Don't believe everything you think
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