Thread: Gil Hodges
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Old 12-08-2021, 03:14 PM
ClementeFanOh ClementeFanOh is offline
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Default Hodges, et al

BobC- Okay, I tried it the nice way and you decided to write a chapter of
War and Peace, mixed in with pretzel logic in favor of your guy McGwire, and
others. Bottom line is there are clearly prohibited PEDs that some of these
dudes took in secret, knowing they shouldn't, for competitive advantage that
was mostly to get their 300 foot flyouts, to be 350 foot homers. Period.
That's not "hogwash", it's what they did and they knew it was prohibited.
You can fool yourself into thinking that having 20 whatever eyesight instead
of eye glasses, is somehow a competitive advantage- whatever gets you
through the night.

Peter Spaeth- the old "amphetamines" argument... So some player took a
pill that replaced 6 cups of coffee (that's an estimate, by the way) and that's
the equivalent of the "clear and the cream"? No, it isn't. Don't recall Hank's
head(!) growing larger during his playing career from the amphetamines (if
it's true). I do remember taking No Doz and drinking "Jolt" Cola during exam
week in college, so I could stay up to study during finals week. I vaguely
remember it causing me to use the bathroom frequently and give me the
shakes, like I was a toy poodle. It did NOT somehow make me "smarter" for
finals- feel free to insert joke here about my intelligence. However, to
compare HGH to a caffeine pill is like comparing a Vespa to a Ferrari. Nope.

Trent King

PS- And the original point still stands, I'm glad Gil Hodges made it!
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