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Old 12-18-2021, 08:10 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
Posts: 3,276

Originally Posted by steve B View Post
Numbers like that with a sub 500 record to me means maybe a couple things.
That his team is not good offensively.
Or their relief pitching is not at all good.
Or that he's consistently matched up against other teams aces and comes away lacking.

That last one in some ways makes WAR pointless as it's typically figured.
If it was done based on comparing not to the league overall, but to other pitchers in a similar position - like only including first or first and second starters- it would probably be much lower.
Which to me would indicate a lot of it comes down to luck and simply being in the right place at the right time or situation.

I wonder, in regards to starting pitchers, has anyone ever tried to come up with a statistical measure to take into consideration the position players and relief pitchers on their teams from year to year to see if there is any way to possibly filter at least some of those variable factors out of the equation so as to more objectively be able to measure a starting pitcher's true worth/value, and how he more realistically rates against other pitcher's from his own time?
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