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Old 12-22-2021, 07:23 PM
FrankWakefield FrankWakefield is offline
Frank Wakefield
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Franklin KY
Posts: 2,753

I've known Dr Sullivan personally for about 25 years. He started collecting about 1950ish. He was big on having two of everything, so he'd have one to trade when if needed. He bought and sold T206s back when they'd go for a dollar or so, less than what we pay for postage on our little packages nowadays.

Doc Emailed me today about Goodwin not following through with the settlement.

Doc is how I met Bill Goodwin. Doc had sold cards with him for maybe close to 20 years, this latest consignment wasn't a "first time" "unvetted" transaction. Years back I sold an N172 Delehanty in nice shape through Bill. And then later a T210 Stengel. I trusted Bill from this, along with knowing Doc had trust in Bill from past significant transactions. I met up with Doc that day Bill picked up the most recently consigned cards, to get a card Doc wanted to give me, and to show Doc a backstamped T206 card that I'd just received. The backstamp has Doc's name and Lexington, Ky address from back when he was a kid, buying and selling cards through the mail, with guys who were in the ballcard Olympus of that time.

I hope Doc's attorneys recover what's owed on that settlement note.
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