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Old 01-15-2022, 11:02 PM
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Charles Jackson
Join Date: Oct 2021
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Originally Posted by ValKehl View Post
Charles, nice pickup! Although Lee/Sterling called this a score card, it is actually a 1924 World Series program (the Washington version).
It seems to be a little of both--like a really elaborate Scorecard/Program. As you can see in the first picture, it does say "Official Score Card" on the front, and if you click on the flickr link, it shows the Scorecard for the Senators. Interestingly, on the cardboard that Sterling/Lee used to protect it, is written "1924 W.S. Program"

In one of Goldin's auctions, they called what I bought a "World Series Program Scorecard":
while Heritage has also called it a ScoreCard: as has the Smithsonian:
Meanwhile, Mile High called it a Program: but calls it an "official scorecard" in their description.

Goldin Auctions had a lot in one of their other auctions that they titled "1924 World Series Program" that appears to be the equivalent, but for game 5 at the Polo Grounds, and which has a scorecard for the Giants. So did REA:

So perhaps it is a Program that has a scorecard?

Last edited by cgjackson222; 01-16-2022 at 12:17 AM.
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