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Old 01-28-2022, 06:57 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
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Originally Posted by Michael B View Post
Your facts are not quite right:

Congress is made up of four main occupational backgrounds: law, business, public service, and education. Those from a law background still dominate Congress—but not with nearly the stranglehold they did in the early part of the 20th century. Today lawyers represent less than 40 percent of Congress. In the place of law, new competing occupations have risen in prominence, such as business, medicine and a professionalized political class composed of political aides and members of civil society.

Additionally, only 4 of the last 10 presidents had/have law degrees with two of them being disbarred - Nixon resigned from two, disbarred from one. Slick Willy disbarred from two.
I never said from the online sources I just quickly looked up to get some approximate percentages, that the people being counted were all fully licensed and currently practicing attorneys. And my mention of it was in regard to the old joke/cliche about telling when politicians and attorneys were lying by seeing their lips were moving. It had been touched on earlier how such cliches often are derived from truthful facts or situations, at least at some point in the past. So thank you for verifying my reference was in fact true based on those earlier percentages of attorneys (or those schooled and/or trained as attorneys) being elected to Congress. When those jokes/cliches were made up, there probably was in fact a preponderance of attorneys in Congress, which was the point of my comment/joke all along.
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