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Old 03-03-2022, 10:23 AM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
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Originally Posted by Shoeless Moe View Post
sorry, to clarify, he just wants those countries they had that are not NATO countries, or that was his original plan anyway.

so I highly doubt he's going after Poland, Romania and the Baltic States.

especially after he sees how this is going.

he's gonna get Ukraine back and that will probably be the end of it, again after he saw how everyone else has united against him.

If he was hoping for ALL those countries, guessing this has changed his mind. He'll take Ukraine though, what's left of it anyway.

Thanks for the clarification. I don't disagree with much of what you've said here and in later posts.

I think he was hoping to take Ukraine in one piece early on, so he wouldn't have to rebuild it for his own purposes.

There's definitely resources in the Ukraine he wants to extract for himself. He's been stewing on this since 2014 when free elections and Zelensky, essentially kicked him out of the country.

Crimea was just the start.

Coincidentally (or not), the largest known deposit of Gold in the Ukraine, is in the Donbass region.

Not to mention all the lithium, uranium and coal that comes out of The Ukraine.

If he doesn't get to keep it, he's certainly going to try and completely flatten it on the way out.
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