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Old 03-06-2022, 02:11 PM
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AustinMike AustinMike is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 716


No, Kerry can say what ever he wants. I do because I see it as a way of punishing, weakening, and controlling the people that I hate, the ones that voted for The Orange Meanie.

Originally Posted by Cliff Bowman View Post
Fixed it for you.
Fixed for you.

Remember back to this thread in May of 2020?

That was your claim back then, that I only thought climate change was real because I want to punish, weaken, and control "the people that I hate, the ones that voted for," in YOUR words, "The Orange Meanie."
M.!.c.h.@.3.L. . H.v.n.T
Don't believe everything you think
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