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Old 03-11-2022, 06:57 PM
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Ben North
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Originally Posted by irv View Post
So, you just like throwing out insults and calling people conspiracy theorists without actually having anything to back up those innuendos just for something to do then, Ben?

I don't know about anyone else, but I find your behavior odd.
Dale you are the one calling your self names and have done it in several posts.

I have said my beliefs on Covid and the vaccine many times. Covid has killed several of my friends and has caused long term health problems for others including my brother. I am all for the vaccine and booster shots for those that want them. Pretty simple and consistent.

I didn't realize being called a conspiracy theorist was name calling. I used that term because of your posts about control, new world order, and similar posts about many different conspiracies.

I find the FACT you completely ignore every ones questions. Then just add more links from people I can't even fathom considering a legit source as extremely odd behavior.
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