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Old 03-25-2022, 08:15 AM
Johnny630 Johnny630 is offline
Johnny MaZilli
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 4,233

Trent you have a lot of anger who makes ignorant statements about what I may or may not know I never said the show wouldn’t be great with a large variety of vintage, I’ve been going to this show for over 20 years. It’s amazing how you can spin one comment about the dollar boxes being busy into that I’m a constant naysayers/Debbie Dower who knows nothing about the show.

The dollar boxes will be busy, it is what it is. Many collectors fill their lower end sets from these boxes it’s great for them! It also brings many young collectors into the vintage world of collecting another major plus. I see many fathers at the show with their sons who stop at the dollar boxes and let their kids pick a few cards from them. It’s nice to see :-).

The show will be great as always, I hope everyone has a great time and enjoys seeing familiar faces. Unlike you I won’t lower myself to name calling and making baseless assumptions, this board is about cards and having fun at the show. Not intolerance and personal attacks. I hope you find peace and mostly I hope everyone enjoys the show :-).

Last edited by Johnny630; 03-25-2022 at 08:18 AM.
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