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Old 04-28-2022, 03:29 PM
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MattyC MattyC is offline
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Originally Posted by sportscardpete View Post
How does one balance the feeling of seeing their existing collection's value grow but putting future cards out of reach?

I really hate to say this, but it sucks. Sure it is great some cards shot up in value but it ends up being net-net pretty terrible for people actively building a collection.
My brother and I have been saying this for the last couple of years to each other whenever we talk cards. We'd much rather our collections be worth way less if the cards we want to add to them also cost way less.

I really don't get excited about the rising value of things I never want to sell, but I do get bummed by the rising value of things I want to buy. Plus, when things reach a certain level of value, one almost feels obligated to be "responsible" and keep at least one eye on value, if a sale could move the quality of life needle even a little bit.
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