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Old 05-12-2022, 02:12 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
Posts: 3,275

Originally Posted by 3arod13 View Post
Bob, I always enjoy reading your well-thoughtout and detailed posts. Tony
Thanks Tony, appreciate that. But you are likely in a very small minority. LOL

Could also add that another reason for the "old-timers" always seeming to complain about these younger collectors, and how they collect and view the hobby, is that seeing these changes and differences reminds and reinforces the fact that they are getting older and not going to be around forever. And along with that, they may no longer be the main driving force behind the hobby anymore, and thus they don't as often see the hobby industry as worried about or catering much to their collecting needs and desires. And human nature and instinct is such that most all people, whether they'll admit it or not, have and harbor some instinctual and/or inherent fear, or at least a disdain, for change and things they are not familiar with.

This does go both ways though, as younger generations, overall, do not seem to carry and hold the older generation in at least the same/similar level of esteem, respect, and appreciation as Baby Boomers do/did for their parents and grandparents. They can often look to Baby Boomers and lay blame to them for a lot of the problems and issues of today. All while seeming to forget all the things they have to thank the Baby Boomers, and preceding generation, for that they simply take for granted. With the advent and advances in technology involved in travel and the media, especially social media, the world is literally getting smaller every single day. And yet, personal connections and direct interactions among people appear to be going the opposite direction. Plus the internet emboldens people to say and do what they want to others, without having to actually say/do something to someone's face so there is no potential threat of a direct reprisal? That could only serve to desensitize at least some people from fearing they'll hurt/harm others, and care and ever being apologetic or remorseful about having done so. And by extension, if such people over time become so desensitized to treating and acting so horribly towards others online, you know it is only a matter of time before some become so emboldened that they start doing the same demeaning and defaming things in real life, to real people. And it will likely only get worse.

I'll end with this. When I was in school, I was taught to respect my elders, not go talking back, and disobeying. If I got in trouble in school and ended up getting a swat from a teacher, I was even more afraid my parents would find out, and I'd get greeted by my Dad, with a belt and an additional whupping, when he got home from work. Nowadays, you accidently touch a school age child, or say or do something they may take in the wrong way or context, and you end up with screaming parents at the school, wanting the teacher immediately fired, and threatening to sue the school, and everything front and center on the internet and social media for all the world to see. My how times have changed, and we have only ourselves to blame!
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