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Old 06-01-2022, 09:25 AM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
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Originally Posted by BobC View Post
And there you are, telling me again what and how I think, and how I'm supposed to only believe what you say.

Okay BobC. You win. I will agree with you. You are truly mentally incapable of understanding what pro-choice and pro-life mean in an abortion debate. Congratulations on this stunning victory.

Originally Posted by BobC View Post
The most childish and ignorant argument I can think of......I'm right and you're wrong. That is basically all you ever come back with.
I am not right. I have given no opinion on abortion. I am saying that the dictionary is right and you are wrong.

Originally Posted by BobC View Post
And what most extreme position did I supposedly take, saying that I thought states that were anti-abortion while also being for the death penalty were possibly somewhat hypocritical? How the f#$% is that an extreme statement?
No. This opinion here is commonly held, it is a fallacious argument as 2 of us pointed out, but a fallacy is not extreme. As was explained earlier, "It would seem to me that if someone is saying they are pro-something, there shouldn't be any exceptions, or do you disagree Peter?" is an extreme position. The argument that a person must ignore context, and be an absolutist and hardliner is by its definition extreme - that is a polar end of the possible opinions one could have. Everything or nothing, no context, no gray, just the appeal to purity. It is extreme.

Originally Posted by BobC View Post
It is raising a hypothetical question based on some logical facts and circumstances, or is it that you have feelings and thinking that may coincide with such states, and don't like the idea being pointed out to you that you might be a hypocrite yourself then? It was certainly not directed at nor made to attack any individual, just provoke some thought any maybe further discussion. Instead, it elicited personal attacks from you and Peter.
I have not attacked you personally, until this post above where I agreed you cannot comprehend what the words mean, after you were insulted that I believe you are indeed capable of understanding a few syllables and being a rational human. Pointing out the fallacies and extremes in your argument is not a personal attack. Surely you have debated in the past and are aware that the person and the idea are different things. Or maybe you can't figure that out either.

Originally Posted by BobC View Post
I never made any argument by the way, I simply stated my opinion as to how I feel states that are for stricter abortion laws and anti-abortion, yet for the death penalty, seem to me to be somewhat hypocritical.
.... that is an argument.... words mean things...

Originally Posted by BobC View Post
Again, you also ignored the obvious example I gave to show where I was coming from and my context, but because that doesn't agree with your narrative and thinking, I'm automatically wrong in your eyes. Another big surprise.
Again, you are wrong by the dictionary and fallacy not because we 'disagree' (I'm not even sure we do disagree on abortion). Take it up with Webster and Aristotle.

Originally Posted by BobC View Post
The term Pro-Life is specifically used by many advocates instead of the term Anti-Abortion, because they want to highlight their belief that abortion is the taking of a human life. And thus, they are advocating for human life, which isn't solely defined as fetuses. You, however, are apparently trying to state that it is only relevant for the taking of a human life in regards to abortion though, which I don't think is entirely true.
Again, dictionary. It's a discussion of abortion. You know what the terms mean in context. Your personal redefinitions are utterly irrelevant to anyone else.

Originally Posted by BobC View Post
Here's a current article discussing the much more evolved and complex meanings behind the terms Pro-Life and Pro-Choice, and specifically how the meaning of the term Pro-Life now encompasses a lot more than you're alluding to. If there is someone who may not fully understand and comprehend the currently accepted meaning of the Pro-Life term, and what it may truly stand for and how it encompasses ALL lives, I think it is you. You don't want to think there could be conflicting opinions to yours?
Again, I have given no opinion on abortion whatsoever. The only opinion I have given is that the Texas bounty law is meant to punish the other side from the people who passed it. I have not endorsed pro-life or pro-choice views. I am simply aware of what the words mean and the basic rules of logic. That you are flipping out and going nuts over this is pathetic. Anytime something you don't like is posted you respond with some absolute nutty crap the length of a 19th century Russian novel.
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