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Old 06-25-2022, 03:34 AM
ClementeFanOh ClementeFanOh is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Ohio
Posts: 1,044
Default SGC grading

To Lorewalker and BobC- please accept my humblest apologies for
abandoning this compelling thread. I had to work on an actual card deal (!)
and, well, sleep...

It was cute reading your mutual admiration messages, very tender indeed.
Just a few little points, however, to snap you out of it:

1) I do NOT like to "go off" on people randomly. My posts contained no
threats or vulgarities. When someone makes a remark that is wrong-
like nineunder ascribing SGCs relative turnaround times to less demand
despite a consistent history of faster times- I point it out. My initial reply
was quite tame and didn't ruffle nine's feathers (as I recall, anyway).

2) It was then that lorewalker tried to put words in my mouth, and called
me "silly". Whoops, wrong turn... so I let him have it. He didn't even
have a dog in the fight. (I know, these darns facts are so annoying).

3) Then BobC came in with a Socratic dialogue laced with passive
aggression. Dear God, I hope you've never been called upon to give a
toast at a wedding. He missed the boat too, but you keeping doing you,

4) To those who believe this thread was about Chick Fil A... can't help you.

Good Lord...

Trent King
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