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Old 06-27-2022, 10:08 AM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
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I saw it a week or two ago with the family.

I'll be the oddball, and I'll assume 9 out of 10 will disagree with me, but I was pretty disappointed.

I thought it was a pretty clunky love letter to the original, lacking any of the chemistry between characters the original had. It was a lot of "Hey, remember that thing from the first movie?", "Remember that person from the first movie?", "Remember that scene from the first movie?"'s one that's very similar, but not quite.

"Remember Goose? Well here's his son...........Rooster?" LOL!

There's also this guy who is very similar to Iceman. His name is "Hangman", and he's trying to do his best impression of a young Val Kilmer (a tall order, I know), but there's not really enough room in the movie for Rooster, Maverick AND he gets put in the corner every once in awhile to let the big boys play instead.

Dialogue was pretty bad throughout.

Tom Cruise doing lots of Tom Cruise stuff and some well choreographed stunt scenes and a couple laughs made some of it enjoyable to me.

It wasn't awful.....I just found it.....Meh! I'm sure I'm in the minority. The rest of my family seemed to like it also.

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