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Old 07-12-2022, 08:00 PM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 6,591

Many states technically allow teachers to carry, with varying levels of restriction. Some states effectively allow teachers to actually carry.

I would vote against turning it into a job requirement and think that is a silly overreaction (this is what the left seems to hear when the right talks about armed teachers), but simply let them carry if they want to do so and live in a constitutional carry state or have a CCW if they are in a shall-issue state. Laws banning or effectively barring carry on school premises have, shocker, not stopped massacres. Mass shooters don't shoot up gun conventions, shooting ranges, or armories for a reason. They pick locations with large numbers of people who are not armed. Allow those who want to to exercise their rights.
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