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Old 07-13-2022, 02:57 PM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
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Originally Posted by KMayUSA6060 View Post
17 officers ran away from the shooter in Uvalde.

Just so we're clear, these aren't good guys with guns. If you're unwilling to protect innocent children after getting paid by taxpayers to "serve and protect" the community, you're a POS.

I believe teachers who wish to go through extensive, EXTENSIVE training to conceal carry on the job should be allowed to. I also believe there is a large enough segment of veterans that would be willing to defend schools to provide extra security.

The teachers union and government as a whole will be a hurdle when actually protecting our kids. Again, I will always go back to government officials/politicians receiving more protection than our kids ever have.
The leaked video is disturbing. It's easy to judge from behind a keyboard, or from the next day. It's a lot easier to be the guy in the back of the stack rather than the first guy through the door. They were there within 3 minutes, they outgunned the shooter many times over. And they just sit there. One checks his phone to look at his Punisher wallpaper, some get hand sanitizer while they just sit in the hallway doing absolutely nothing. For well over an hour, they just sit there. I find it difficult not to consider them simply LARPing cowards, while their coworkers chose to arrest and detain parents instead of, you know, address the murderer. They are there, heavily outgun him, and just sit there as defenseless children are slaughtered. More effort was expended suppressing the parents of the victims than the psychopath. I find it difficult to think of these police officers as men at all.

One incident is not a valid data set, school shootings are incredibly rare mathematically even if that's not the narrative. This incident should be more of a human tragedy than used as a political bludgeon, but it doesn't seem to 'help' either side. With ~80 minutes to do whatever the hell he wanted, having a scary looking model of rifle becomes irrelevant. Whether semi-auto or bolt action or a muzzle loading musket, it doesn't matter in this situation. The advantages of an AR type rifle provide no real gain in this situation. Quicker shooting is very important in a gunfight; lightweight ammunition means a lot on a long hike in the field. it means essentially nothing in a closed off environment without a time factor against defenseless children. Meanwhile, the complete lack of any desire by the authorities to address the situation does not aid an argument that armed guards will help. I believe Parkland was the last such incident, and there to the armed wing of the state declined to actually do anything. That a paid security guard will choose to do what ~15 cops won't seems unlikely.

I do think a teacher who wants to carry should be allowed to; as the 2nd amendment allows. Unlike a security guard, a teacher who is armed in a s situation like this incident (which is truly incredibly rare statistically) does not have to be a hero and put themselves in harms way to take the chance of getting the bad guy. The teacher in the classroom will probably die if they do not shoot back; they are there and trapped like the kids. They can't just stand outside.
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