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Old 07-13-2022, 07:16 PM
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Originally Posted by BobC View Post
Thanks Chase,

I did not know that is what they have done in the past. But it makes sense that they still return the card to limit any potential liability on their part should their examiners make a mistake. I still wonder if they'll do that in regard to this new authentication program though since this is something mandated by the online seller, and not necessarily being voluntarily requested by the buyer or the seller in these deals, and also potentially exposes the online seller to liability since they mandated the authentication program and hired the TPG.

And a great question if they would break out a card from some other TPG's slab because they don't think it is legit or possibly been tampered with. Like you, I have not heard of any instance where a card's slab has not passed authentication.....yet. Will be interesting to hear what they do in cases where a slabbed card does eventually get deemed as bad or tampered with, and if there is any difference in the treatment between a case where it is their own slab, or that of a different TPG.

And if there is a different treatment depending on which TPG's slab they find an issue with, then the independence question may really become an issue.
I think...I understand the purpose or intent of this but it is fraught with issues in my opinion. From my vantage point as a seller and buyer I have felt eBay did a pretty decent job of keeping the site free from fraud. I know this statement upset Steve to no end but this has been my experience.

eBay has had a tendency to try to fix things that were never broken. Obviously from their vantage point the AG is serving some purpose. Maybe there was a lot more fraud than we know of. I would prefer to see eBay and all the grading companies working to remove the massive volume of altered cards before they put time and effort into checking to see if my recently graded CSG card was really holdered by them. Just saying...
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