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Old 07-20-2022, 07:07 PM
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Ben North
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: South Dakota
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Originally Posted by BobbyStrawberry View Post
I appreciate the clarification. I am interested in the subject as well, but I don't see the issue in as black and white terms as it seems many do. Why do you think it is that some gun owners seem to fear the government coming and taking them away? Or that any law regulating or restricting firearms will inevitably lead to that outcome? I have some ideas, but they all suggest that the issue really isn't about guns, and more about distrust of government.
2 reasons. Some are just nut cases, not dangerious types but the type that think everyone is out to get them. The other is many people actually want to take all guns away. No matter your opinion people are very passionate about it when it comes to guns.

Like I posted before. I believe we have enough laws now. They just need to be enforced.

The only one I would not have a problem with is required gun courses for everyone to own a gun. We actually have something like that here but it is for people under 18 so they can hunt. I live in an area that almost everyone owns a gun and many hunt. So everyone is taught to respect them. The only mass killing here was done with a sword.
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