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Old 07-20-2022, 07:55 PM
Carter08 Carter08 is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark17 View Post
Pointing out the fact that the shooter's ammo wasn't as powerful as other ammo is not "demeaning" it. Or being insensitive. It is an attempt to bring factual information into this conversation.

Laws that govern people and protect their rights in society should be based in truth and logic, not simply emotion. Therefore, worthwhile discussions on the topic should likewise be based in truth, facts, and logic.

Why do you recoil (bad pun) from comments pointing out the shooter used comparatively low-power rounds? It's simply fact. In an honest discussion, facts like that are relevant.
Saying “223s are baby ammo for rifles. If they are choosing them for their damage they are complete morons at best when it is one of the weakest rounds” isn’t comforting to parents who have lost kids. Perhaps the hunters here don’t realize it but these rounds have been effective at killing children.
Maybe they unsurprisingly weigh less than most deer you shoot. Either way, show a modicum of respect. No one is talking about banning ammo or even guns for that matter as far as I can tell. It would be nice if if we could make it slightly harder for someone to buy one of these weapons and use it a day or two later to kill children.
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