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Old 07-21-2022, 10:24 AM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Originally Posted by GeoPoto View Post
Among the many female friends of baseball, we should count first lady Grace Coolidge. Frommer expands: Calvin Coolidge wasn't much of a baseball fan, but he had to fake it. The Senators won their only World Series during his presidency, in 1924, and the team was a national sensation. Coolidge became the first president to attend a World Series opener, where he threw out the first ball. But it was his wife, Grace, who was the real fan in the family. She kept score during the World Series games and kept her husband in the game. (You Gotta Have Heart by Frederic J. Frommer.)

Here are a couple of shots showcasing Coolidge in the act supported by his superior, the stylishly attired baseball fan and First Lady, Grace.
Great photos. I know there are also photos of Woodrow Wilson who was the first President to actually attend a World Series game. He was a big baseball fan and actually played college ball for Davidson College during his freshman year. He also never used his Presidential pass to attend for free, and always paid for his ticket, just like every other average American. He attended Game #2 in Philadelphia on 10/9/1915, and threw out the first pitch of that game. Missed the opening game because of his duties in regard to WW I.

And to make this relevant to this thread, he attended the WS game with his then fiancé, Mrs. Edith Galt, a widow whom he then married in December, 2015.
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