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Old 08-22-2022, 01:02 PM
Roland 49 Roland 49 is offline
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I have done it for 39 years to peel off album cards to thousands of Cuban cards, I prepare a container with water at normal temperature and I introduce some parts of the leaves and wait for them to detach by themselves, those that detach I take them out immediately and put them to dry at the top of a cloth or towel that absorbs moisture, when they are completely dry I insert them between the pages of a book, when you are all inside the book I put something heavy on top of the book, so that the cards are ironed, the next day I take out the different sheets and organize them according to the case, some cards take longer than others to take off due to the type of glue and quantity that was used, there are several methods that I have used depending on the quality of the card, the previous explanation is for the album Felices, but for the albums of Cigarros Aguilitas, Nacionales, Punch etc, other methods are used.
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