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Old 08-25-2022, 10:16 AM
gonefishin gonefishin is offline
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Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth View Post
Put Albert's first ten years together with Trout's and you might have the GOAT.
Peter, are you out of mind here? Why don't you recognize we are witness to the end of a career that was one of the best of all time. If you remove the cheaters, Pujols will finish 3rd on the most Home Runs hit in the HISTORY - the HISTORY - of baseball behind only Hank Aaron and Babe Ruth. To even imply his numbers were padded because of Trout is absolutely crazy. His move to the Angels was the biggest mistake he ever made in baseball. He won more World Series rings with the Cardinals than the Angels have ever won as a team! The score would be Pujols 2 - Angels 1. Pujols will be a first ballot Hall of Fame inductee and should be somewhere between the 38th - 40th player inducted as a Cardinal. If, I say if because Trout has a long way to go, Trout is inducted for the Angels he will be number 6.

Pujols went back to the team where he was loved and admired - a city that has won more World Series titles than any other team except for the Yankees. He is putting on a show at the end of his career like no other we have seen in years. Give him his due instead of trying to fabricate things to tarnish what he has accomplished. Enjoy watching the end of a fantastic career - you might actually enjoy it.
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