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Old 09-16-2022, 09:32 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
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Originally Posted by campyfan39 View Post
Nose rings, eyebrow, lip or tongue piercing is an automatic turnoff IMO.

With respect, some of you are naive in regards to how common this kind of mess goes on. In my line of work I have counseled numerous women who have low self esteem and self worth and who actually cannot orgasm without violent sexual acts. People act like this is some kind of anomaly but sadly it is getting more and more common in part because of porn and extreme cultural trends. I believe based on her contradictions that Bauer is a weird guy and should know better given his position, but this was consensual.
Very true! We definitely live in a very weird and odd world, with an awful lot of differences in how people are and interact with others. And kudos to you Campyfan39 for trying to help and assist those that have issues and need assistance, help, and understanding.

I do not have specific confirming evidence, but I've heard that if you take all the activity for an entire day across the world on all the social media type sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc., and add them all up, they still don't come close to the amount of online porn activity each day, in total, around the world. And strangely enough, it would not surprise me if that is actually true.

There are so many people in the world that are closed-minded and judgmental, and only want and expect others to think and act exactly like they do. And many that are biased and suffer from racial fears and hate, and everything else that can be a bad part of the human experience and existence. At the end of the day, we are all human animals, and subject to the very real instincts, desires, fears, hopes, and dreams that come with being human. And I am no better than anyone else. But I try to be open-minded and think through things, looking for information and evidence to support or discredit whatever issue or thinking is at hand after learning as much as possible about it, and try not to rush to judgement or carry pre-conceived notions and ideas.

This entire issue with Bauer is one of those extraordinary situations that get exacerbated and made worse by the fact that we now have the internet, and worldwide access to virtually anything and everything happens almost instantaneously. He and this woman have no privacy, and the media jump on this stuff for their own ratings, making money off stories like this. They care nothing for Bauer and this woman, and just use them for their own selfish purposes. Situations like this back in say Ruth's time would likely not be out there like they are today, as reporters would be more conscious and concerned with not blatantly sharing personal and private information of athletes lives like the media does today. News people, like Walter Cronkite, or Huntley and Brinkley, took pride in presenting the news and facts to the people, not adding and twisting the news with their own personal and political thoughts and feelings, like virtually all news reporting appears to be today. People need to be more open-minded and think for themselves, using common sense, and not just believe what they my initially hear and see. I've always felt that of all the rules, laws, beliefs and such that are in the world, the most important of all is the "Golden Rule". If more people tried to follow and live by that one simple rule, the world would likely be a much, much better place for all of us.
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