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Old 09-28-2022, 02:50 PM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
Halladay: 2,749.1
Wainwright: 2,562.2

Halladay 203-105
Wainwright 195-116

Halladay: 131, 3.38, 3.39
Wainwright: 119, 3.36, 3.44

K/9, BB/9, H/9:
Halladay: 6.9, 1.9, 8.7
Wainwright: 7.5, 2.4, 8.5

Halladay: 64.2
Wainwright: 47.1

So WAR loves Halladay, but they are really very similar for a career and WAR has a whole lot of value judgements that are arbitrary. ERA+ prefers Halladay in context, everything else is very close. I don't think this comparison should be dismissed out of hand.

Do I think Wainwright is a HOFer? No.
Do I think Halladay should be a HOFer? Probably just misses, really pushing it.

I think Halladay gets the pretty substantive WAR and ERA+ advantages because he compiled most of his stats against DH hitting AL East teams in AL East sized parks in a slightly more offensive era then Wainwright.

We saw his move from the Blue Jays to the Phillies, certainly didn't hurt his stats in the slightest, until things started catching up to him, his 3rd season in Philly.

Perception is also that Halladay was dominant for a nearly 9 year straight stretch of his career. Wainwright not so much. He had much more of a start and stop and start again type of career.
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