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Old 10-04-2022, 09:05 AM
philliesfan philliesfan is offline
Robert J. Miller
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Near Philadelphia, Pa.
Posts: 2,083

First off, I could care less for your opinion. Oops….Couldn’t care less. But thank you for the English lesson. As the husband of a teacher I should have known that.
Well, when you think about it, maybe could care less may also be correct. As in….I could care less about something but I don’t.
Anyway, Yes I initiated the negotiation but he ACCEPTED my negotiations with a counter offer. So with his offer it is no longer unsolicited. Technically you could say his offer to me was unsolicited because I did not ask him for a counter offer. I simply made him an offer to accept or decline.
I also put items on my watch list for different reasons. If they make me an offer I may accept, counter, or ignore. But never counter and counter again with a lower amount because I don’t want them to think I could be a potential problem.
You are correct that one can only make offer to a potential buyer if there are no bids. You say he may interpret my negotiations as a panic move. Well I interpret his negotiations as a potential problem buyer. So what you are saying is that it is ok for him to interpret my motives but not ok for me to interpret his? We both could be right, we could both be wrong.
And yes maybe he intended the second offer to be $30.00 with a typo. However, giving him your best price on an item and for him to make an offer lower than that still makes me think he could be a problem.
I am not mad, upset, hurt or anything of the sort with his negotiations or thinking I overvalue my items. My whole point is if this buyer was a potential problem which I believe he could be. I would rather not have a sale than to have any headaches of return, refunds, partial refunds or whatever.
And for the record, I do respect all everyone’s opinion.
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