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Old 10-04-2022, 01:40 PM
philliesfan philliesfan is offline
Robert J. Miller
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Near Philadelphia, Pa.
Posts: 2,082

That is very interesting, because when you started this thread that is exactly what you did, you asked people for their opinions. Yes I did. Oh, and your request for opinions was unsolicited by those who responded. They were solicited as I asked for responses. So now I get it, (no you really don’t) you weren't really honestly asking for people's opinions at all, were you? Yes I was. You were just posting and looking for people to validate you and a decision you had probably already made, so you could feel better about yourself and what you decided? Nope. Hmmmmm, interesting!!!!!

And when people do respond to your unsolicited requests, it seems in your mind that somehow absolves you from being the one who started this whole thing to begin with? Sadly, this is almost the same thing you pulled on the potential Buyer/Watcher who responded to your unsolicited offer to start this all off. I'm guessing that you may not really have wanted any alternate opinions, or a negotiation of price, at all. And if not in either case, why did YOU initiate things in both instances to begin with then? What's the old saying, "Be careful what you ask for, because you might just get it!". If the people YOU are approaching don't respond in almost exactly the way you want or expect, so what, why get all worked up and upset about it? I have no idea where you get the idea I am all worked up over it or upset about it. I couldn’t care less. I was just wondering if others here saw it as a potential problem. I got answers for both points of view which I do appreciate.

This now appears to be a second recent instance of you taking offense at the way someone responds to you, over something you initiated, started, and ASKED for responses to. In which case it could make some observers liken it to a blossoming behavioral pattern. Now that is funny. I had originally just offered some alternate thoughts and perspectives on your issue, and had not judged or condemned you at all. No you did not, nor did I of you. However, as it seems I come across in dealing with almost everybody here on this forum when there is a disagreement of opinion, I go out of my way to try and present facts and logical theories and arguments, and respond to and answer all questions posed. I listened to your responses and Yet appallingly, I rarely, if ever, get the courtesy of a similar reaction and response to my questions. So let me try asking this once again. Why exactly does a potential Buyer's/Watcher's response to YOUR unsolicited offer, and their negotiation technique in response, suddenly and automatically make them a bad buyer, needful of blocking? In negotiations, the seller has a starting point to make the sale and the buyer has his starting point to make a purchase. Normally, a seller comes down in price and the buyer goes up in price eventually meeting around halfway. That’s the normal process for negotiations.

And please don't say it is because you have a gut feeling, because that is really no answer at all. If that is the case though, then you need to ask yourself what is the real reason behind such a gut feeling to begin with.

And as for the improper use of that phrase, yes, there are instances where you could appropriately have used the word COULD instead of COULDN'T, except in the context and meaning of how you used it, that is not one of those instances. Ask your wife if you don't believe me. What! Ask my wife? So she can be right again! Ugh. I don’t need that. I’ll take your for it.
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