Thread: NL wild card
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Old 10-10-2022, 09:12 AM
gonefishin gonefishin is offline
Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 660

Let's Go Padres! Wow - they set a record last night by only allowing 1 hit in a close out game in the play offs.

I would like for all the Mets fans to jump on the bandwagon now and support the Padres please. You can jump off right after they win game 7 of the World Series. Maybe it will be a rematch with the Yankees? Then Boone can check strategy with Buck since they're both in New York. You know, maybe get some tips on when to do an ear check to throw off the pitcher. It's all about strategy at this point, but I didn't see the ear check coming. Classy move for a losing team.

Tip - I did watch Ha Song Kim pull up his pants after sliding into second. Maybe Buck should have asked them to have Kim pull down his pants for a check. That way, Buck could kiss his ass after making a fool of himself.

Go Padres!
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