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Old 11-08-2022, 01:08 PM
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Ben North
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Originally Posted by jp1216 View Post
Also - that antique store find of 1500+ was in eastern PA (near where Fleer was located). Coincidence?

Back in the mid to late 90s - the FF was a $5 card. I really don't think these were made to cash in a profit. Why fake a $5 card?

Flashback link: HERE
For me the real question is why would Fleer make a huge stash of low grade copies using different designed stripes, a second generation resized picture, different card stock, cut the wrong size(they are all smaller than a real 89 Fleer), different screening size, and several other differences. Did Fleer really go out of its way to buy and use card stock they never used to make any other card? To me not a single thing about the card makes sense that Fleer printed it.
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