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Old 12-08-2022, 06:08 PM
ajjohnsonsoxfan ajjohnsonsoxfan is offline
A.J. Johnson
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 1,388

Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth View Post
Adrian was a guy from Canada, Andrew I believe was from Tennessee, two different guys. Adrian was banned eventually. Adrian had some issues and developed a reputation for reneging on purchase commitments, although I don't think he ever failed to deliver on a card he sold. To this day I regret not buying a 311 he offered me at what even then was a very low price, I just didn't trust him and he refused to go through an intermediary. Another member ended up getting the card.
I had sooo many conversations on the phone with Adrian in Canada as we were both actively chasing the 14 CJ set at the time. My kids who are college age now but were much younger then, still tease me to this day about Adrian. If memory serves, he had a very rich brother that was funding his hobby purchases.
A.J. Johnson
*Proudest hobby accomplishment: finished the 1914 Cracker Jack set ranked #11 all-time
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