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Old 12-21-2022, 07:31 AM
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Ben North
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: South Dakota
Posts: 9,953

Originally Posted by irv View Post
Our weather forecast has changed once again, and will likely change another 6 times by the time it actually gets here?
Anyone know when this global warming thing is suppose to happen? I mean it's been over 34 yrs now and still nothing, or is this extreme, record breaking cold and snow in places all because of global warming like they say?
As long as you don't get the freezing rain. We got a day of it before the snow. The line was just above us for just snow. Get even 30 miles north and it looks like the pic you posted of North Dakota. It rained here for a whole day first. Luckily we just have a skating rink to drive on after they removed the foot+ of snow. We have above ground power everyplace and freezing rain that sticks to the power lines can cause wide spread power outages for days and even weeks for rural people.

I had the generator ready just in case. Last time we didn't have power for 5 days. It really sucks to lose power in nice weather. During several days of a severe winter storm with below zero temps is way worse.

Stay warm everyone.
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