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Old 12-29-2022, 01:20 PM
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Ben North
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Originally Posted by irv View Post
The real war??? You mean the Proxy war your govt is currently engaged in with Russia, who has sent 100 BILLION, with a Capital "B" to Ukraine? That war, Ben?
Tell me Ben, without regurgitating the MSM talking points or spin, why your country has such a vested interest in Ukraine?
Tell me, why your at it, why your previous President to Trump was behind the coup that ousted Ukraine's previously voted in, via a legit election, President?

You were aware, I assume, Ukraine's Nazi's, The Azov's (look them up) have been bombing/murdering their own, or the Russian eastern part of Ukraine for years now?
Here, because you likely think these Azov Nazi's don't exist and that our govt's haven't been supporting them, I'll do you a favor.

Trump warned Germany, and other European nations that they were relying heavily on Russian oil and gas and would be screwed but they all laughed at him.
Do you ever do any critical thinking with regards to the Dems and media going hard against Trump and wondering why that was and still currently is? Do you think maybe, just maybe, he was a major threat to getting in their way or exsposing this grift?
That is all political BS I know nothing about or care about.

My post included an example of someone I really know and have been in the same room in real life with on several occasions. Your links mean less than nothing to me.

Tell me how you personally or people you actually know in real life are affected. Otherwise I consider your posts in this section the same as watching an episode of Ancient Aliens. They should be enjoyed in moderation and NEVER taken seriously.
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