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Old 01-03-2023, 01:17 AM
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Domer05 Domer05 is offline
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Originally Posted by thetahat View Post
Domer … these two pennants seem to be of the same year and same maker. Wouldn’t this suggest a company besides Trench? The scroll graphic is so radically different from what we know to be Trench.
The bottom one from '51 featuring the double-wide scroll, in my opinion, was likely made by AMCO. They made a similar one for the '49 Dodgers.

The top one is a bit of an anomaly.... It could be from '51; but I don't think we can completely rule out '54 either (having said that, I can't recall seeing a Cleveland Indians AL champs mate/variant, can you?). As you know, my opinion is that Trench made this "insert stadium name series" throughout the 1940s and 50s. I based that opinion on two important characteristics in them: they were all 8" x 26"; and they were polychromatic. Unfortunately, this NY Giant pennant is full size and monochrome.... So, I'm reluctant to label it as being made by Trench.

Perhaps it was a knock off? If so, a knock off by AMCO? That might explain why the "NEW YORK" letter scripts look so similar. Or, was the concessioner at the Polo Grounds only interested in buying full size, one color pennants from Trench?? I have no idea.

But it's an interesting pennant.
For more information on pennant makers, visit: ; then .

Last edited by Domer05; 01-03-2023 at 01:20 AM.
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